Congrats! You’re in Contract!

Now what?
After you’ve celebrated, you have a little work to do real quick once you’re in contract.

Earnest Money

The first order of business is to deposit your earnest money at escrow. I’ll explain how to do all this the day of! Typically it means dropping off a check in person at the escrow office within 3 business days. The sooner the better!

Schedule Inspections

The second order of business is to line up inspections. We want to order them ASAP so we can get them scheduled with plenty of time left during your inspection period. If you have an inspector you like or was recommended to you, let me know!

We’ll order a general inspection, and also likely a sewer scope, a radon test, and an underground oil tank search.

If You’re Financing

You’ll also spend a lot of the time working with your lender to get all the information they need to fund your loan.

Your lender may send out an appraiser who will come up with a value of the home, so the bank feels comfortable using that home as collateral for the mortgage.

General tips:

  • Don’t open any new lines of credit – no new credit cards, don’t finance a new car.
  • Don’t run up your current credit cards buying new furniture for the house. Try not to use your credit cards this month if possible. It will affect your debt to income ratio.
  • Don’t close any lines of credit unless instructed by your lender.
  • Don’t quit your job or change employment.

Pause Zillow / Redfin Emails

I recommend pausing these emails while you’re in contract to not have any distractions.

Schedule Movers

They can schedule out weeks in advance, so you may want to consider getting in on their books now if you’d like to use them. Both Bridgetown Moving and 2 Brothers have been recommended to me.


Once the loan is approved, you’ll sign the documents with escrow (usually a couple business days before closing). Then the loan will be funded, the title will be transferred to your name, and you’ll get your keys on closing day! It’s the very last step of the process.